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Coventry - Holy Trinity (Warwickshire)

Houghton-on-the-Hill (Norfolk)

Little Missenden (Buckinghamshire)

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Aspatria   (Cumbria)

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Checkley (Staffordshire)

North Leigh (Oxfordshire)

Slapton   (Northants)



Curdworth: Saint Nicholas

Access: No Information Available - Contact Church*    Findability: 2       

Coleshill: Saint Peter and St Paul

Access: No Information Available - Contact Church*    Findability: 2          

Berkswell: St John the Baptist

Billesley: All Saints

Access: Open                                 Findability: 2          

Access: Open                                   Findability: 1          

Burton Dassett Web043

Wootton Wawen: St Peter

Burton Dassett: All Saints

Access: Open                                Findability: 2          

Access: Open                                   Findability: 1          

Stoneleigh web001

Stoneleigh-in-Arden: St Mary the Virgin

Access: Open                                Findability: 2          

Temple Balsall (2)025

Temple Balsall: St Mary the Virgin

Access: Open                             Findability: 2          


Coventry: Holy Trinity

Access: Open                       Findability: 3         

* In the many years of writing this website, these two churches (Curdworth and Coleshill) are the first I have come across where there is NO access information to be had. Keyholder’s last entries were dated 2018 and 2017 respectively. Don’t blame its users: lack of information legislates against casual visits. Coleshill’s website talks about what its opening hours were pre-Covid and vaguely of “tours”. Curdworth’s website extols its architectural virtues and gives no information whatsoever about visiting. The geographical proximity of these churches (I lived in one and went to school in the other!) is sheer coincidence: they are not in the same benefice. I accept that churches are not obliged to give access to casual visitors but these two take the biscuit! Both have historically important Norman fonts, amongst other things. One might reasonably expect some degree of “good citizenship” in allowing at least limited regular access to the heritage treasures for which they have become custodians and about which they are proud. Both communities are prosperous and of reasonable size so there is little excuse.  I can only suggest you contact the churchwardens and/or rectors via the “A Church Near You” website. If you have or obtain up to date information please contact me and I will be happy to put the record straight.

Access: Status is from the “Keyholder” app which is available from the Google Playstore for a modest annual subscription. Be aware that statuses do change over time so it is always a good idea to check church websites before travelling a long way. Even “Open” churches are often (but not invariably) closed after 5.00 pm and may not open early. Also be aware that keyholders change quite often and that they do not undertake to be available all day every day - as I have sometimes found out to my cost!  If you can contact them in advance before making a long journey that is always recommended.

If you visit a church that is locked and no keyholder is listed at the church I have found that Churchwardens and Clergy can be helpful if their numbers are shown and if you ask them nicely! Sometimes they are surprised and gratified at your interest and have unpublished information and anecdotes.. Do always consider making a donation. If the Keyholder app says “Locked”, however, then in my experience your chances of gaining entry are minimal unless you make advance arrangements.

“Limited Opening Times” means that the church is open only on limited hours and/or days. Please note that these hours can be very limited - perhaps one or two hours a week. You must check with the church.

Findability: 3 = Major Sign-posted Church    2 = Easy to find   1 = Hard to find. Do your homework before visiting.

For contact details for individual churches visit

Access Information for this page is correct as at 27 June 2014

I cannot be held responsible for any abortive travel incurred by providing this information.